
Health Management and Wellness

Reduce Costs and Improve Employee Health

Our health management program is included with all WGAT plans. WGAT has teamed up with Pinnacle Health Management to provide personalized care management and wellness services to your employees and their families. Our team consists of registered nurses, care coordinators, and licensed behavioral therapists. They support and advocate wellness, prevention of uncontrolled disease states and the provision of the highest quality care by improving ease of access and targeting the most appropriate levels of care.

WGAT Health Management Programs

The goal of our health management program is to assist participants in managing their chronic health conditions, improving health outcomes, and preventing related risks and complications.

Our programs include:

  • Asthma
  • Depression
  • Diabetes
  • High Blood Pressure / Hypertension
  • High Cholesterol / Hyperlipidemia
  • Weight Management

Additional support programs include:

  • Mom-to-Be
  • Nicotine Cessation
  • Wellness

We’re also effective in utilization management, discharge planning, clinical case appeals, provider certification, and quality of care associated with each facility to ensure that the least costly, yet most effective, treatment is used.

Customizable Programs that Integrate with Your Vendors

Our program is unique in that we can integrate our programs with your vendors. We can also customize our programs to offer incentives for employee participation in conjunction with our health management and wellness programs.

Benefits for Employees

  • Provides eligible participants with treatment options to mitigate complications associated with common ailments
  • Controls and manages symptoms of chronic conditions before they become more severe
  • Promotes healthy living
  • Encourages compliance with medications and doctor visits
  • Helps reduce health care costs
  • Benefits for Employers
  • Reduces the amount of medical spending
  • Boosts company and employee moral
  • Increases workplace productivity